However, it’s difficult to always gauge the actual cause of video playback error, especially when you receive errors messages like ‘ video error code 0xc00d5212, ‘ error 0xc00d36c4. Here we have shared the 8 best ways to fix video playback issue on computer. The troubleshooting to fix video playback problem depends upon the cause. How to fix Video Playback and Issues on Windows Sudden interruption during video transfer or download.Insufficient system configuration for HD videos.Here are some of the common causes of video playback issues on a computer: Sometimes the video file may also turn corrupt due to abrupt interruption during transfer/download/processing or due to a virus in the drive. Mostly video playback problems arise due to unsupported codec packs or device drivers. Why Video Playback Errors and other Issues occur ? However, before digging into troubleshooting, take a quick look at various causes of video playback problems. Read on to learn different methods that can fix video playback problems on Windows PC. Unable to play your videos on due to various errors? Are they jerky, freezing, truncated, flickering, out-of-sync, showing black screen, giving no sound, or showing other problems?